Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Old Friends Revisited

I've been re-reading books. Sometimes, the only thing that satisfies is a visit to an old friend. Go somewhere familiar and comfortable and just ignore what's going on in the outside world. So, I've been revisiting Anne McCaffrey's Pern and Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar. With the chill of autumn in the air, it will soon be time for my annual visit to the Willows to see Rat and Mole, Badger and Otter, and we mustn't forget Toad of Toad Hall.

Walks down familiar lanes are a way for me to ground myself. I read new books and discover new places and people, and its fun! But coming home is fun too, in a quieter way. Sometimes, when work is overwhelming and people aren't doing what they need to be doing, its good to visit with old friends and just chill out.

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